Algoriddim djay Pro Professional DJ App

Algoriddim's djay is a name that is best known for the rather excellent iOS application. Being the company’s flagship product, algoriddim djay pro is quite a popular software among music enthusiasts and artists from all over the globe. It won the Apple Design Award and was actually named App of the Year by Apple itself in more than 100 countries.

Algoriddim has been making DJ apps for the Mac and for iOS for some time and djay Pro is its latest version for OS X 10.9 and above. Unlike most DJ software there's no conscious/forced "importing" of tunes into djay Pro's system; to all intents and purposes, you're just DJing with your iTunes library. Mac users, who generally have little or no resistance to using iTunes in their day to day lives, will feel this is how it should be - and I agree. Why reinvent the wheel? But conversely, if you don't use iTunes for organising your DJ music, I'd go as far as to say even at this stage that this probably isn't the DJ software for you. You can drag and drop music files from anywhere on your Mac in too, and an Automix feature identifies tracks that the app thinks will sound good together. the biggest difference is how much easier it is to do your mixing.

It looks great, it's genuinely innovative, it's simple to use but powerful, and for Mac, streaming and iTunes fans, it's a real contender. If Algoriddim can sort out a more complete set of hardware mappings, dedicated controllers/DVS support, perfect jogwheel mapping, and some "pro" Spotify features, djay Pro may well woo more than a few pro DJs to its cause. Today Ean takes a closer look at how Algoriddim’s djay Pro could be changing that, testing the app and its integration with Spotify.

Generally, djay Pro is good in that it doesn't need you to own a controller, or an audio interface, at all. You can use a DJ splitter cable to give you a headphones and a master output so you can pre-cue songs without additional gear, and you're off. The Pro version comes with the faux-turntables you may already be familiar with, along with other staples like waveforms, effects and MIDI controller compatibility.

Djay Pro has kept all of the best features of the original djay software and added an awful lot of very cool new features, some of which are groundbreaking enough to potentially ensure that DJs will flock to this software and ignore other titles completely.

Features Overview:

-Powerful DJ Interface
-Four Decks

Price: $49.99
Availability: On the Mac Store

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