Dawn of War III

In case you were wondering, outside of a couple of excellent expansions, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II came out way back in 2009. So long ago that it was a Games for Windows title, where the novelty of in-game achievements had yet to become a big thing for PC games. Developer Relic’s third Warhammer RTS outing takes the best bits from the previous two entries in the series, mashes them together, and ramps up the carnage to almost ludicrous levels.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III, the third installment of the critically-acclaimed real-time strategy franchise, immerses players in the escalating brutality of galactic warfare, where they will lead elite hero units and colossal armies to victory, or oblivion. But considering how blatantly StarCraft was inspired by it, especially in terms of art design, you can see the wisdom of turning the real thing into a rival real-time strategy.

Dawn of War III is a game at odds with itself. Matches start with a lot of momentum and expand quickly before settling into a soft balance for long stretches. Strategy newcomers should feel right at home with the Space Marines. These gun-toting, chainsword-wielding religious zealots see a square peg and a round hole, and hammer that peg into place with an orbital drop-pod. Careful control of elite warriors on the front line is essential, but so is constantly nurturing your base and marshalling upgrades for your armies. Despite that, Dawn of War III holds its own, offering delicious tooth-and-nail fights that will push both your technical skill and strategic aptitude to their limit. Build up enough resources and you can fill these pods with assault infantry, battle tanks or the hulking Dreadnought war machines, then fire them down to any point on the battlefield.

Most missions are split into two parts; the first sees a handful of squads and an Elite unit or two trekking across the entire map, while the second half adds some base-building into the mix and settles into a familiar RTS rhythm.

Whether the game will gain the sort of mainstream success that Sega are obviously hoping for we have no idea, but this is one of the most inventive and enjoyable real-time strategies the PC has seen in a long time.

Genre: Strategy
Developer: Relic Entertainment
Publisher: SEGA
Classification: TBC

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