How to See Your Uber Passenger Rating

After every Uber ride, you can rate your driver out of five stars based on how good or bad the ride was, but you may not know that Uber drivers also rate you as a passenger. Its is little bit awkward, You'd have to find some excuse to bring it up with your driver, maybe, and convince him or her to pull up your score on their device. Here’s how to view your Uber passenger rating.

When you request an Uber, the closest Uber driver will receive the request, and they’ll have the option to accept or deny it. If it’s denied, the request moves onto the next-closest driver. Generally, you shouldn’t have a hard time getting a driver to accept your request, but if you have a low passenger rating, that can affect your chances severely. the company wrote in a blog post about the passenger rating. If you have a low passenger rating, it might be harder for you to get picked up.

Here's how:
Visit the settings on your Uber app and tap "Help." Scroll down to "Account," and then select "I'd like to know my rating." Follow the resulting prompt, and voila — there's your score.

Uber also offers up suggestions on how to get a stellar rider rating, like including an accurate pickup location, not piling too many people in the car, and being ready when the driver arrives.

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