Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands is probably only worth caring about if you're willing to play through the game with three friends, with voice chat enabled. Despite its apparent veneer of wet-work homogeneity, Ghost Recon Wildlands is a tricky and, at times, troubling video game to pin down. You should know that up front. You can, of course, enter into public matchmaking. In fact, the game constantly encourages you to do so.

Specifically, an elite team of American special forces soldiers, under the U.S. government-sanctioned Operation Kingslayer, must near single-handedly bring down the Santa Blanca cartel and its leader, El Sueno, currently turning Bolivia into a narco-state.

The game's many missions can be tackled a number of ways. Stealth, drones, snipers or guns blazing, it's worth investigating them all. Playing with strangers, without voice chat, is probably the worst way to play Ubi's new cocaine mountain simulator. Single-player's also an option, and can be fun for a time.

Within 21 provinces set over lively landscape incorporating such terrain as mountains, salt flatlands, jungles, swamps and caves, his team must eliminate or capture crazed drug bosses while dealing with narc agents and weapon-loaded minions looking for a confrontation in each small town, field and roadside encountered. Then, maybe next time you’re on an extraction mission enemies may take out your escape vehicle and you’ll have to run through the woods at night, holding your target by the neck and taking out pursuing enemies with only a pistol. Wildlands is full of characters that look like they'd be interesting, but you're too busy shooting them in the face to give them time to be fleshed out.  Just when you think you’re home free, you’ll get spotted. The chase continues. If you're looking for the definition of a cardboard-cutout soldier, you'll find it here. Wildlands’ main issue, however, is poor mission variety. For the first five or so provinces everything felt exciting. The next 15? Not so much.

Wildlands is a bad fucking game it completely fails at everything it aspires to be. It's a bad co-op game, it's a bad shooter, it's a bad open-world game, and the writing is terrible. At best, the game is boring. The game isn't good enough to recommend to anyone in any other situation. If you like playing alone, I'd recommend you look somewhere else.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands (PC, PS4 [reviewed], Xbox One)
Developer: Ubisoft Paris
Publisher: Ubisoft
Released: March 7, 2017

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