Argentina Woman Gives Birth In Coma...Meets Son 4 Months Later

In late 2016, a 34-year-old policewoman in Argentina Amelia Bannan has regained consciousness in coma after a car accident she gave birth. Four months later, she finally met her son.

The story dates back to November 1 when Amelia, a local police officer in the small town of San Pedro and six months pregnant, was involved in a crash.  Amelia and her colleagues including the father of her child, also a police officer were injured in an accident in their service vehicle. Amelia Bannan was gravely injured.

The mother, Chastity Cooper, 24, has slowly improved since the November accident but still cannot move or talk. She is in a vegetative state, able to open her eyes and follow people around the room. Bannan began to remember what happened to her. At first speaking in a confused manner, she eventually made herself understood. The woman had suffered a skull fracture, which created caused a blood clot in her head, so her condition was not a simple one.

Her daughter, Alexis Michelle, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces, was born on Monday at University Hospital. Santino was born by cesarean section a few hours before Christmas, in perfect health. The baby was delivered vaginally; doctors ruled out a Caesarean section because of the risks of anesthesia and the potential difficulties of healing after the surgery. During the pregnancy, doctors were concerned mainly about making sure the mother had enough nutrition so the baby would gain weight and grow.

Doctors said it is one of few known cases in the United States in which a comatose woman was able to carry a baby to full term. Amelia is now recovering well.

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