Dustin Holloway Caught His Girlfriend Naked In Bed With Another Man

When most people find their partners in bed with someone else, their first reaction is to scream and yell, but one betrayed boyfriend instead decided it was the perfect opportunity for a photo shoot.

Duston Holloway is a 23-year-old from Emory, Texas who has heroic levels of self-restraint and an incredible sense of humour. Duston Holloway came home one night to find his girlfriend sleeping in bed with some random guy. His response was classic. After he walked in to his bedroom and found his girlfriend passed out drunk next to a random guy, he opted to keep his sense of humor about the unfortunate situation, he decided to record the evidence and let the world know he'd discovered his girlfriend was a cheater. 

Duston Holloway says that initially he wanted to “kick the guy’s a**” but instead took the photos and posted them on Facebook with the caption “when you come home to another man in your bed with the one you loved! Good men deserve good women.” But instead of getting angry, Holloway took sweet revenge and started snapping the pair and posed for a series of pictures. He then posted a series of photos of his ex with her shirtless tattooed companion.

The images see Duston's now-ex-girlfriend passed out next to another guy, and while she has her shirt on, he does not. 

As for him, he appears to be doing fine now, based on this Facebook post from a few days ago.

“Good men deserve good women.” Nice work, Duston.

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